( Upload XLSX File with first column containing the GSTINs )
How to use the GSTIN search tool?
Enter a single valid GSTIN number in the search box below
Click on 'Search' button
It's free!
For bulk upload, after free trial, Upload excel and get results in seconds. After which you will be asked to pay Rs.0.40 per ID check
Use the free trial tool to identify the number of fields that will be included in the report If the GSTIN is correct, the details that can be verified here are-
Legal Name of the Business
Trade Name
Constitution of Business
Date of Registration
Taxpayer Type
Nature of Business
Principal Place Address
Pin code
State Jurisdiction Code
Centre Jurisdiction code
Date of Cancellation
Last Updated Date
Updated on Fynamics
How to use the PAN GSTIN search tool?
Enter a single valid PAN number in the search box below
Click on 'Search' button
It's free!
For bulk upload, after free trial, Upload excel and get results in seconds. After which you will be asked to pay Rs.0.40 per ID check
Use the free trial tool to identify the number of fields that will be included in the report If the PAN is correct, the details that can be verified here are-